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Basically you can change everything :) Save data hex edit offset test using PS3 Bruteforce Save Data! Enjoy FFXIII modding for CP, gil, and stats! Doesn't require CFW or jailbreak PS3. Decrypters Tools to decrypt specific PS3 save-games: cod-blackops-decrypter Call of Duty: Black Ops Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 diablo3-decrypter Diablo 3 dmc-decrypter DmC: Devil May Cry ff13-decrypter Final Fantasy XIII Final … Inside, make another folder name EXPORT.

The feature is also integrated in HEN, so any PS3 can do it. Check all the games you want to back up saved data for, then press OK. If it … PS3 Xploder PRO With Cheats Editor PhotoScape Free View, edit, print, or add frames to your photos. PS3 saves are encrypted To see the content of the saves you first have to decrypt the save using the secure_file_id of that game. In the root, create a folder called "PS3" ( Without quotations. Hundreds of For some of the games that Hyperkin has unlocked, editing the save file is a relatively straightforward process. Whilst attending their birthday party in Cala de Sa The application will have full access to the file you will open by using “File\Open” in order to be able to modify your save game data and it will send the version of the save editor to provide customized messages at the home page to suggest what changes you will find in an eventual new version of this tool. You can find a lot of info and help about this subject in You'll be asked to extract the tools to a folder. That 43 in HEX is the value that you will need to look for in your hex editor. … Apollo Save Tool is an application to manage save-game files on the PlayStation 3. 89 sony introduced a bug that "breaks" a couple of lines in the.